Tag: Xebel
Review: Aquaman #58
Review: Aquaman #58 Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick Art: Miguel Mendonca Colors: Romulo Fajardo, Jr. Letters: Clayton Cowles Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd ...
Review: MERA: TIDEBREAKER Writer: Danielle Paige Artist: Stephen Byrne Colors: David Calderon Letters: Joshua Reed Reviewed...
Review: Aquaman #8
Writer: Dan Abnett Penciller: Scot Eaton Inker: Wayne Faucher Colorist: Gabe Eltaeb Summary As promised last issue, Mera is to undergo instruction...
Aquaman #25 Review: Resurfacing
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS Geoff Johns has had a great two year run with Aquaman, ending it with...
Aquaman #23 Review: Washed Out
AQUAMAN #23: Geoff Johns and Paul Pelletier THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS. To say Arthur Curry has had it...
Aquaman #22 Review: Trouble at Sea
Geoff Johns and Paul Pelettier continue a solid Aquaman run with an above-average issue #22.