Tag: tina of apokolips

Review: Harley Quinn #66

Review: HARLEY QUINN #66   Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Sami Basri Colors: Hi-Fi Letterer: Dave Sharpe   Review...

Review: Harley Quinn #61

Review: HARLEY QUINN #61   Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Otto Schmidt Letters: Dave Sharpe   Reviewed by: Philip...

Review: Harley Quinn #59

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Sami Basri Colours: Alex Sinclair Letters: Dave Sharpe   Summary The trials of Harley...

Review: Harley Quinn #55

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: John Timms Colors: Alex Sinclair Letters: Dave Sharpe   Summary "We'll All Be Home...

Review: Harley Quinn #54

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Lucas Werneck Colors: Gabe Eltaeb Letters: Dave Sharpe   Summary "Minor Disasters!" Part Two...

Review: Harley Quinn #53

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Lucas Werneck Colors: Alex Sinclair Letters: Dave Sharpe   Summary "Minor Disasters!" Part One...

Review: Harley Quinn #51

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Sami Basri Colors: Alex Sinclair Letters: Dave Sharpe   Summary "Triumph" Part One is...

Review: Harley Quinn #49

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Alisson Borges Colors: Gabe Eltaeb Letters: Dave Sharpe   Summary "Clown for Hire" Part...

Review: Harley Quinn #48

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Alisson Borges Colors: Gabe Eltaeb Letters: Dave Sharpe   Summary 'Clown For Hire' Part...