Tag: tim sale

MCM Comic Con Ready To Take Over London

It’s almost time! October is here, and with it comes the latest – and possibly the greatest –...

Review: Action Comics #1000

Writers: Dan Jurgens, Peter Tomasi, Brian Michael Bendis, Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Paul Dini, Tom King, Brad Meltzer, Louise...

Action Comics #1000 Brings Superstar Creators To This Milestone Issue!

It’s taken 80 years, but Siegel and Shuster’s immortal creation’s adventures in Action Comics has finally reached a...


DC Comics Pull Box For 12-9-2015

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for December 9,...

dccomicsnews DKIII

New Dark Knight III Variant Covers Released

Hi DC fans, as you know Frank Miller is an absolute legend who has created a very special...

Tim Sale talks up Batman’s 75th

Check out this short clip from DC All Access, In celebration of the Dark Knight's 75th, Tim Sale, Phenomenal...