Tag: Tatsu Yamashiro
Review: Batman And The Outsiders Annual #1
Review: BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS ANNUAL #1 Writer: Bryan Hill Artist: Max Raynor Colours: Luis Guerrero Letters:...
Review: Arrow 4×12-Unchained
This review contains spoilers. I can't believe you shot me In this episode, Roy Harper returns to Star...
Review: Arrow Episode 22 & 23
The final two episodes of Arrow look a little better when paired together. Much like last years finale,...
Review: Arrow Episode 11 “Midnight City”
This week on Arrow, Brick further advanced his plan and the modified Team Arrow did what it could...
Review: Arrow Episode 10 “Left Behind”
Arrow came back this week with one less archer at the forefront as the team struggled with the...
ARROW: Season 3 Episode 6 Synopsis
~This Article Contains Spoilers~ The CW has released the official synopsis and extended trailer for the upcoming 6th...
ARROW: Rila Fukushima Replaces Devon Aoki As Katana
In 2013, Rila Fukushima played the role of Wolverine's "bodyguard" in the film, The Wolverine. But now, it...