Tag: supergirl

Supergirl # 22 Review: Deception

In the latest issue, Cyborg Superman attempts to lure Kara into a trap but Supergirl is not wallowing...

Supergirl # 21 Review: A New World

The latest addition to the Supergirl series brings tidings of a deadly future, for both Supergirl and the...

Whatever Happened to the Teen Titans?

(Editors Note: All editorials are solely the opinion of the author, and do not necessarily reflect  the views...

New 52 Supergirl Series Review: A Retrospective

After the New 52 began, Supergirl received, arguably, the biggest reboot of its franchise. Not only was she...

SUPERBOY: Jordan Writes Teen Angst & Dire Wolves

New writer, Justin Jordan, will be writing teen angst and dire wolves on his run of Superboy. Click the...