Tag: Super Man
Review: Superman #16
Writers: Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason Art: Tony S. Daniel, Clay Mann, Sandu Florea, & Seth Mann...
Review: New Super-Man #5
Writer: Gene Leun Yang Artists: Viktor Bogdanovic, Richard Friend, & Hi-Fi Summary What do you fight for? What...
Review: New Super-Man #4
Writer: Gene Luen Yang Artists: Viktor Bogdanovic & Richard Friend Summary Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight for your viewing...
Review: New Super-Man #2
Writer: Gene Luen Yang Artist: Viktor Bogdanovic There's something to be said for those crazy days you have...
Review: New Super-Man #1
Writer: Gene Luen Yang Artists: Richard Friend, Viktor Bogdanovic China has a rich history full of great warriors,...
Preview: New Super-Man #1
Superman, The Man of Steel, Kryptonian, Kansas Farmer, Boy Scout. what is it that makes him so super?...
New Cover & Name For DC Rebirth’s Super-man
Don't get confused this isn't misspelled the character's superhero name is Super-Man. Now in this cover preview...
Is Superman Ready For The H.I.V.E Queen?
Meet the H.I.V.E Queen. Click the jump to