Tag: Speed Force

Red Death - DC Comics News

Review: Batman: The Red Death #1

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Carmine Di Giandomenico Summary Set in the past during the Crisis on Infinite Earths,...

Season 4 of ‘The Flash’ Begins Production

If only our favorite TV shows came as quickly as the Flash moved. The Flash is now officially...

Season 4’s Flash Welcomes The Thinker as Big Bad – But Who?

For the past three seasons, The Fastest Man Alive has faced off against combatants driven by the need...

Review: Teen Titans Annual #1

Writers: Christopher Priest, Benjamin Percy, Dan Abnett Artist: Paul Pelletier Cover: Mike McKone   Summary Speedster Deathstroke is...

Review: The Flash #5

Writer: Joshua Williamson Penciller: Felipe Watanabe Inkers: Andrew Currie & Oclair Albert Reviewed By: Derek McNeil The issue...

Review: The Flash #4

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Carmine Giandomenico Reviewed By: Derek McNeil This issue starts with Barry at S.T.A.R. Labs,...

Review: The Flash #3

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Carmine Giandomenico Reviewed By: Derek McNeil This issue picks up shortly after a Speed...

The Flash: All-New Look of Danielle Panabaker as Killer Frost

CBS's The Talk reveals an all-new look at Danielle Panabaker as her future Killer Frost persona. During the season finale...

SHOWCASE PRESENTS: The Flash Doesn’t Run Really Fast

Here’s the thing: I don’t think the Flash runs very fast at all.

The Flash #23 Review: Reverse Revelations

With all the questions surrounding the Speed Force Killer, what’s up with Iris? As The Flash speeds onto...