Tag: Sinestro

Review: Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super-Spectacular

Review: Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super-Spectacular #1 Writers: James Tynion IV, Geoff Johns, Cullen Bunn, Dennis O'Neil, Ron Marz,...

Review: Action Comics #1019

Review: Action Comics #1019   Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Art: John Romita, Jr. & Klaus Janson Colors: Brad Anderson Letters: Dave Sharpe   Reviewed...

Justice League #36

Review: Justice League #36

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #36   Writer: Scott Snyder Artists: Francis Manapul, Howard Porter Colours: Hi-Fi Letters: Tom Napolitano...

Tales From the Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night

Review: Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night #1

Review: TALES FROM THE DARK MULTIVERSE: BLACKEST NIGHT #1   Writer: Tim Seeley Artists: Kyle Hotz, Dexter Vines,...

Justice League #34

Review: Justice League #34

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #34   Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV Artists: Bruno Redondo, Howard Porter Colours: Hi-Fi...

Justice League #33

Review: Justice League #33

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #33   Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV Artists: Bruno Redondo, Daniel Sampere, Juan Albarran...

Review: The Green Lantern #12

Review: The Green Lantern #12 Writer: Grant Morrison Art: Liam Sharp Colors: Steve Oliffe Letters: Tom Orzechowski   Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd  ...

Justice League #32

Review: Justice League #32

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #32   Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV Artist: Howard Porter Colours: Hi-Fi Letters: Tom...

DC ‘Corrupts’ Blackest Night and Infinite Crisis

DC 'Corrupts' Blackest Night and Infinite Crisis With the Dark Multiverse spreading and "corrupting" the entire DC Universe,...

Justice League #29

Review: Justice League #29

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #29   Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV Artist: Bruno Redondo Colours: Hi-Fi Letters: Tom...