Tag: Scott Hepburn
Review: Teen Titans #6
Teen Titans #6. Will Pfeifer- Script, Scott Hepburn- Art, Dan Brown- Colors. Teen Titans is one of the...
Over sized and supercharged, DETECTIVE COMICS ANNUAL #3, written by Brian Buccellato, art by Werther Dell' Edera, Jorge...
Review: Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #5 — “Fastest Psychopath Alive!”
The Rogues have their hands full dealing with the Royal Flush Gang and it only gets worse when...
Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #4 Review – Those Aren’t Bat-Creatures!
SPOILER WARNING: Did you hear that Wally West is returning? He is. Just not in here. Forever Evil:...
Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #3 Review: Definitely the Other Way…
In the last issue of Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion, the Flashy foes sans Captain Cold found themselves smack...
Forever Evil Rogues Rebellion #2 Review: Need A New Plan Here!
Those wacky enemies of the Scarlet Speedster, The Rogues, continue their adventures in the midst of Forever Evil....
REVIEW Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #1 – Battles and Banter
The events of Forever Evil bleed into Central City as the Rogues, Flash’s plucky band of villains, return...
PREVIEW: Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #1
Here's a look at inside art for Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion, written by Brian Buccellato and co-illustrated by Patrick Zircher...
The Flash #23.2 Review: Reverse Order
Villain’s Month continues in the pages of The Flash, this time revealing the origin of Reverse Flash! Check...