Tag: review

The Flash #83

Review: The Flash #83

Review: THE FLASH #83   Writer: Joshua Williamson Artists: Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona Colours: Arif Prianto Letters: Steve...

The Deaths of Vic Sage #1

Review: The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #1

Review: THE QUESTION: THE DEATHS OF VIC SAGE #1   Writer: Jeff Lemire Artists: Denys Cowan, Bill Sienkiewicz...

Justice League #36

Review: Justice League #36

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #36   Writer: Scott Snyder Artists: Francis Manapul, Howard Porter Colours: Hi-Fi Letters: Tom Napolitano...

Flash Forward #3

Review: Flash Forward #3

Review: FLASH FORWARD #3   Writer: Scott Lobdell Artists: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund Colours: Luis Guerrero Letters: ALW's...

Harley Quinn 1x01

Review: Harley Quinn 1×01 – “Til Death Do Us Part”

Review: HARLEY QUINN 1x01 - "TIL DEATH DO US PART"   Director: Juan Meza-Leon Writers: Dean Lorey, Justin...

Batman Beyond #38

Review: Batman Beyond #38

Review: BATMAN BEYOND #38   Writer: Dan Jurgens Artists: Sean Chen, Sean Parsons Colours: Chris Sotomayor Letters: Travis...

Batman #83

Review: Batman #83

Review: BATMAN #83   Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Colours: Jordie Bellaire Letters: Clayton Cowles   Reviewed...

Tales From the Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night

Review: Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night #1

Review: TALES FROM THE DARK MULTIVERSE: BLACKEST NIGHT #1   Writer: Tim Seeley Artists: Kyle Hotz, Dexter Vines,...

Superman #17

Review: Superman #17

Review: SUPERMAN #17   Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Kevin Maguire Colours: Paul Mounts Letters: Dave Sharpe  ...

The Flash #82

Review: The Flash #82

Review: THE FLASH #82   Writer: Joshua Williamson Artists: Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona Colours: Arif Prianto Letters: Steve...