Tag: Red Hood Gang
Preview: Gotham 3×05-Anything for You
On the next episode of Gotham, Penguin celebrates his victory while Butch deals with the Red Hood gang...
Scott Snyder’s Conclusion of “Endgame” and the Future of Batman
In case you missed it, this past Saturday was Free Comic Book Day. DC Comics: Divergence has started...
The Red Hood Gang Is Coming To GOTHAM
It was rumored some time ago that there may be plans for the Red Hood on Gotham. Now...
Batman #22 (ZERO YEAR PART 2) Review: Oroboros
This review contains spoilers The Bat-Epic, Zero Year, continues this week with Batman #22, the second issue in the 11-issue arc....
Batman #21 Zero Year Preview!
This is it, the potential comic event of the year. The Dream team of Scott Snyder and Greg...