Tag: Ray Palmer
Review: The New 52 Futures End #33
Futures End has had a bad habit of giving us more issues that cut off before the good...
Review: Arrow Episode 9 “The Climb”
After the past two years and moving into their third, Arrow has developed a few patterns. The mini-season...
Review: Arrow Season 3 Episode 7 “Draw Back Your Bow”
It’s quite funny how many annoyed people there were when it was announced that Cupid would be appearing...
Brandon Routh teases Atom suit.
With the introduction to Ray Palmer in The CW’s Arrow fans were starting to ask will they see...
“Arrow” iTunes Exclusive 5-Minute Season 3 Clip
Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg talks season 3 of Arrow, Ra's al Ghul, The Atom, and Olicity in an iTunes...
Arrow’s Brandon Routh On The Atom Costume Concept Art
In an online interview released today, Superman Returns and Arrow's very own Brandon Routh says he's seen concept...
Arrow Season 3 Preview reveals Ra’s al Ghul & much more
The newest preview for Arrow Season 3 has not only revealed Ra's Al Ghul but it drops some...
‘Superman Returns’ actor Brandon Routh joins Arrow
Superman Returns actor Brandon Routh will be reuniting with the DC Comics franchise once again. Though, the actor...