Tag: professor ivo

Justice League #27

Review: Justice League #27

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #27   Writer: James Tynion IV Artists: Javier Fernandez, Bruno Redondo Colours: Hi-Fi Letters: Tom...


Review: Lex Luthor/Porky Pig Special #1

Writers: Mark Russell, Jim Fanning Artists: Andrew Hennessy, Brad Walker, John Loter, Paul J. Lopez Colors: Andrew Dalhouse, Paul J....

Review: Injustice 2 #24

Writer: Tom Taylor Pencils: Bruno Redondo Inks: Juan Albarran Colors: Rex Lokus   Summary Things aren't looking good for the heroes as...

Review: Injustice 2 #17

Writer: Tom Taylor Penciller: Bruno Redondo Inker: Juan Albarran Colors: Rex Lokus   Summary After spending a few issues with the Amazons,...