Tag: power girl

Review- EARTH 2 #27

A twisted fusion of worlds finally comes together in Earth 2 as Power Girl and Huntress find their way...


FUTURE'S END promises to show us a glimpse of a future that could be. Where some reviews structure...

Review: WORLDS’ FINEST #26

In WORLDS' FINEST #26 we delve into the ramifications of Karen and Helena leaving our native Earth for...

Review: WORLDS’ FINEST #25

We've only got a few more issues in WORLDS' FINEST left to go before a shift of focus...

Review: WORLDS’ FINEST # 24

WORLDS' FINEST #24 (Paul Levitz & Scott McDaniel) is preparing for some kind of send-off; I'm just not...

Worlds’ Finest #23 Review

WORLDS' FINEST #23 (Paul Levitz, RB Silva & Yildiray Cinary) is the perfect place for new readers to...

Earth 2: World’s End – a disaster waiting to happen?

THE NEW 52: FUTURES END #1 - On Sale 5/7 DC Comics has announced yet another weekly comic...

DC Comics News Podcast Episode 7: Agents of DCN

After a short break Shane & Matt are back with Epiosde 7 of the DCN Podcast. We start...

Dynamic Cosplay Presents: Power Girl

Welcome to DC Comic News, Dynamic Cosplay Presents:   POWER GIRL: Cosplayer: Alyssa Loughran Photographer:  Jeff Zoet Visuals Alyssa...

Suicide Squad #27 Review: UNDER & OVER

At the end of Suicide Squad #26, the Thinker transferred his consciousness into O.M.A.C. and was about to...