Tag: papa midnite

John Constantine Legends of Tomorrow DC Comics News

Former ‘Constantine’ Producer Reveals Who Was Planned to Appear

Though Constantine lasted only one season on NBC, the producers of the cult favourite show had big plans for another...

REVIEW: Constantine Episode 5 “Danse Vaudou”

This week’s Constantine saw a continuation of last week’s guilt theme as we had an episode without a...

Constantine introduces Zed.

With the release of NBC’s new show “Constantine” drawing closer a new TV spot has been released showcasing...

Papa Midnite to Appear in Constantine Show

  Now that British actor Matt Ryan has been tabbed to become the magical anti-hero Constantine, he now...

Constantine #4 Review : All My Friends

What does a supernatural con man do on his day off? Find out after the Jump!   Our...

CONSTANTINE #4 PREVIEW: Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag

Papa Midnite enters the New 52 in Constantine #4. Click the jump below to see the preview. John Constantine and...