Tag: New Age of Heroes
Review: Nightwing #49
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Amancay Nahuelpan Colors: Nick Filardi Letters: Carlos M. Mangual Summary “HARM’S WAY”: PART TWO. Nightwing...
Review: Nightwing #48
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Amancay Nahuelpan Colors: Nick Filardi Letters: Carlos M. Mangual Summary "HARM'S WAY": PART ONE. Following...
Review: The Silencer #5
Story Tellers: Viktor Bogdanovic and Dan Abnett Colors: Mike Spicer Summary With the Leviathan Civil War at...
John Romita Jr. Drew “The Silencer” to be decidedly ‘Un-PC”
When asked about the thought process for creating, lead character in The Silencer, artist John Romita Jr. replied,...