Tag: Mr. Freeze

Forever Evil: Arkham War #4 Review: “Empire of the Bat”

The new diabolic duo—Bane and Talon William Cobb—team up to quash the forces of Arkham Asylum and claim...

Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #4 Review – Those Aren’t Bat-Creatures!

SPOILER WARNING: Did you hear that Wally West is returning? He is. Just not in here. Forever Evil:...

Batman: Detective Comics #27 Review: 75th Anniversary Special Spectacular!

To celebrate Batman’s 75th anniversary, and the first appearance of Batman in 1939’s Detective Comics #27, this over-sized...

New Batman Arkham Origins DLC Announced

  Last week the creators of Arkham Origins told us to look out for a New Year's Eve...

Forever Evil: Arkham War #3 Review- “Das Bat!”

This review contains SPOILERS! Forever Evil: Arkham War #3 escalates the growing crisis in Gotham City as Bane...

James Tynion IV Talks BATMAN: ETERNAL, Stephanie Brown, and More

Recently James Tynion IV ( writer of Talon, Red Hood and the Outlaws, and the upcoming Batman: Eternal) has been answering a...

Forever Evil: Arkham War #2 Review- “The Bane Mutiny”

As Bane’s army moves through Gotham, the war escalates and Batman’s greatest villains begin taking sides!

Forever Evil: Arkham War #1 Review – Bane is back!

After the world-changing events of “Forever Evil” and Villains Month, Bane is back and turns Gotham into a...

Review: Detective Comics 23.3 – Scarecrow: Prelude to Arkham War

Scarecrow takes over this Villains Month issue of Detective Comics and you don’t want to miss it! Writer...

Batman: The Dark Knight #23.2: Mr. Freeze #1 Review

Well over a year after Mr. Freeze was rebooted, a couple writers finally managed to make the character...