Tag: metallo

DC Announces Comic Tie-In Series For ‘Death of Superman’ Animated Movie

Today DC launches THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN: PART 1, a new Digital First series following the digital release of The...

Review: Superman Giant #1

  "Endurance, part 1" Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti Artists: Tom Derenick, Trevor Scott Colors: Stephen Downer   Summary In...

Review: Supergirl 3×18 – “Shelter From the Storm”

Director: Antonio Negret Writers: Lindsay Gelfand & Allison Weintraub Starring: Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks & Chyler Leigh  ...

Review: Action Comics #987

Writer: Dan Jurgens Pencils: Viktor Bogdanovic Inks: Jonathan Glapion, Jay Leisten & Bogdanovic   Summary It can be difficult, sometimes, for...


DCUA 10th Anniversary Review – Justice League: Doom

Directed by: Lauren Montgomery Written by: Dwayne McDuffie Starring: Tim Daly, Kevin Conroy, Nathan Fillion, Susan Eisenberg, Carl...

Review: Action Comics #979

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Patrick Zircher Color: Hi-Fi Summary When this title began under the "Rebirth" banner, we...

Review: Action Comics #977

Writer: Dan Jurgens Art: Ian Churchill Color: Hi-Fi Summary Lois and Clark are in the offices of the...

Review: Supergirl 2×02-The Last Children of Krypton

Director: Glen Winter Writers: Robert L. Rovner & Caitlin Parrish Stars: Melissa Benoist, Mechad Brooks & Chyler Leigh...

Preview: Supergirl 2×02-The Last Children of Krypton

On the next episode of Supergirl, Kara and Clark must face Metallo which leads to friction between Superman...

Supergirl TV Interviews dc comics news

It’s A Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s Superman Flying Into The New Supergirl Trailer!

The newest Supergirl trailer has given fans a look at Tyler Hoechlin's portrayal of the Man of Steel....