Tag: Lex Luthor

Justice League #37

Review: Justice League #37

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #37   Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Jorge Jimenez Colours: Alejandro Sanchez Letters: Tom Napolitano  ...

Batwoman 1x09

Review: Batwoman 1×09 – “Crisis On Infinite Earths Part 2”

Review: Batwoman 1x09 - "Crisis On Infinite Earths Part 2" Director: Laura Besley Writers: Don Whitehead and Holly...

Justice League #36

Review: Justice League #36

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #36   Writer: Scott Snyder Artists: Francis Manapul, Howard Porter Colours: Hi-Fi Letters: Tom Napolitano...

Review: Action Comics #1017

Review: Action Comics #107   Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Art: John Romita, Jr. & Klaus Janson Colors: Brad Anderson Letters: Dave Sharpe  ...

Justice League #35

Review: Justice League #35

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #35   Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV Artist: Francis Manapul Colours: Francis Manapul, Hi-Fi...

cw cover

Review: CATWOMAN #17

Review: CATWOMAN #17   Writer:  Joëlle Jones Artists:  Joëlle Jones Colors:  Laura Allred Letters:  Saida Temofonte   Reviewed...

Review: Action Comics #1016

Review: Action Comics #1016 Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Art: Szymon Kudranski Colors: Brad Anderson Letters: Dave Sharpe   Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd  ...

Justice League #34

Review: Justice League #34

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #34   Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV Artists: Bruno Redondo, Howard Porter Colours: Hi-Fi...

jesse eisenberg lex luthor

Jesse Eisenberg Talks About His Future As Lex Luthor

Jesse Eisenberg discussed on a recent publicity tour that he doesn't think he will be returning to the...

Justice League #33

Review: Justice League #33

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #33   Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV Artists: Bruno Redondo, Daniel Sampere, Juan Albarran...