Tag: Lex Luthor

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #12

Review: Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #12

Review: SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN #12   Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Steve Lieber Colours: Nathan Fairbairn Letters: Clayton...

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #11

Review: Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #11

Review: SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN #11   Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Steve Lieber Colours: Nathan Fairbairn Letters: Clayton...

New Batman v. Superman Action Figures Announced dc comics news

Zack Snyder Reveals Which Robin Was Killed in the DCEU

We all remember that little easter egg in Batman v Superman; Dawn of Justice. A shot of Robin's...

Review: Supergirl 5×17-“Deus Lex Machina”

Review: Supergirl 5x17-"Deus Lex Machina"   Director: Melissa Benoist Writers: Katie Rose Rogers, Brooke Pohl & Lindsay Sturman...

Review: Batman: The Adventures Continue #1.2

Review: Batman: The Adventures Continue #1.2 Writers: Alan Burnett and Paul Dini Artist: Ty Templeton Letters: Joshua Reed...

Review: Superman Giant #3

Review: Superman Giant #3   Writer: Robert Venditti Art: Paul Pelletier & Drew Hennessey Colors: Adriano Lucas Letters: Clayton Cowles   Reviewed by: Matthew...

Review: Batman: The Adventures Continue #1.1

Review: Batman: The Adventures Continue #1.1 Writers: Alan Burnett and Paul Dini Artist: Ty Templeton Letters: Joshua Reed...


Review: YEAR OF THE VILLAIN: HELL ARISEN #4 Writer: James Tinion IV Artist: Javier Fernandez, Steve Epting Letters:...

Review: Action Comics #1021

Review: Action Comics #1021   Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Art: John Romita, Jr. & Klaus Janson Colors: Brad Anderson Letters: Dave Sharpe   Reviewed...

Review: Supergirl 5×14 – “The Bodyguard”

Review: Supergirl 5x14-"The Bodyguard"   Director: Gregory Smith Writers: Emilio Ortega Aldrich, Chandler Smidt & Lindsay Sturman Starring:...