Tag: Jonathan Crane

Review: Batman and Robin Eternal #7

Batman and Robin Eternal #7. James Tynion IV & Scott Snyder- Story, Genevieve Valentine- Script, Alvaro Martinez- Pencils,...

Review: Batman and Robin Eternal #5

Batman and Robin Eternal #5. James Tynion IV & Scott Snyder- Story, Steve Orlando- Script, Scot Eaton, Ronan...

Arkham Knight Featured On Edge Magazine Cover

In May of 2015, the long wait for the highly anticipated Batman: Arkham Knight will finally end and...

Batman Enters Romance With Lois Lane?

One of the things fans seem to dislike about DC Comics' New 52 is that the romance that...

Swamp Thing #20 Review: The Green Attacks Metropolis!

Hot off the heels of his debut issue on Swamp Thing, writer Charles Soule ramps up the action...