Tag: Iris West-Allen

The Flash 6x19

Review: The Flash 6×19 – “Success is Assured”

Review: The Flash 6x19 - "Success is Assured" Director: Phillip Chipera Writers: Kelley Wheeler and Lauren Barnett Starring: Grant Gustin,...

Review: The Flash 6×18 – “Pay The Piper”

Review: The Flash 6x18 - "Pay The Piper" Director: Amanda Tapping Writer: Jess Carson Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos...

Review: The Flash 6×17 – “Liberation”

Review: The Flash 6x17 - "Liberation" Director: Jeff Byrd Writers: Jonathan Butler and Gabriel Garza Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos...

The Flash 6x14

Review: The Flash 6×14 – “Death Of The Speed Force”

Review: THE FLASH 6x14 - "DEATH OF THE SPEED FORCE"   Director: Brent Crowell Writers: Sam Chalsen, Emily...

The Flash 6×11 “Love Is a Battlefield”

The Flash 6x11 "Love is a Battlefield"     Director: Sudz Sutherland Writer: Kelly Wheeler and Jeff Hersch Starring: Grant...

Review: The Flash 6×03 – “Dead Man Running”

Review: The Flash 6x03 - “Dead Man Running” Director: Sarah Boyd Writers: Lauren Barnett and Thomas Pound Starring:...

The Flash

Review: The Flash 6×02 – “A Flash of The Lightning“

Review: The Flash 6x02 - "A Flash of The Lightning" Director: Chris Peppe Writers: Sam Chalsen and Jeff Hersh Starring: Grant...

Review: The Flash 5×06 – “The Icicle Cometh”

Director: Chris Peppe Writers: Kristen Kim & Joshua V. Gilbert Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Danielle Panabaker,...

Review: The Flash 5×01 – “Nora”

Director: David McWhirter Writers: Todd Helbing & Sam Chalsen Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker,...

Review: The Flash 4×21 – “Harry and The Harrisons”

Director: Kevin Mock Writers: Judalina Neira and Lauren Certo Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes,...