Tag: ibrahim moustafa
Review: Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. #6
Writer: Jody Houser Art: Ibrahim Moustafa Colors: Jordan Boyd Letters: John Workman Summary Violet is facing Jason Todd in his newest...
Review: Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. #3
Written by: Jody Houser Drawn by: Ibrahim Moustafa Colored by: Jordan Boyd Summary Violet, on information she's gained from one...
MOTHER PANIC Artist Designs Alternate Gotham As Series Goes A New Direction
As DC's Mother Panic series jumped ahead into an alternate version of Gotham City, the Young Animal editors turned toward...
Review: Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. #2
Written by: Jody Houser Drawn by: Ibrahim Moustafa and Paulina Ganucheau (back up story) Colored by: Jordan Boyd Summary Mother...
Review: Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. #1
Written by: Jody Houser Interiors by: Ibrahim Moustafa Back Up Story Drawn by: Paulina Ganucheau Colors by: Jordan Boyd and Marissa Louise...
Review: New Talent Showcase 2017 – Wonder Woman: The Archive
Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Ibrahim Moustafa Reviewed By: Derek McNeil Summary Fifty feet below the Smithsonian Institute...
Review: Doctor Fate #13
Doctor Fate #13. Paul Levitz- Writer, Ibrahim Moustafa- Artist, Lee Loughridge- Colorist. Rebirth comes to Doctor Fate! Oh,...