Tag: greg pak
Review: Batman/Superman #17
Batman/Superman #17. Greg Pak- Writer, Adrian Syaf- Penciller, Sandra Hope Archer & Jonathan Glapion- Inkers, Ulises Arreola- Colorist....
BATMAN/SUPERMAN #12 (Greg Pak/Tom Raney & Ken Lashley) is ambitious to say the least. Following a brief...
WARNING: SPOILERS. Summary: General Lane announces to the world at a press conference that Superman is now a...
We enter the second part of "Superman: Doomed" with Superman lying in a smoking crater. He's just...
Reviews: Action Comics #29
I've never been this entertained by Action Comics since Grant Morrison's kick off way back in the beginning...
Previews: Action Comics #28
We're bringing you an astounding preview of Action Comics #28. ...
Batman/Superman #7 Review: Endgame
Greg Pak and Brett Booth finish up the current arc of Batman/Superman with a surprisingly personal twist. **...
Action Comics #27 Review: Underworld
Lana Lang and Superman dive below the surface and uncover buried secrets in Action Comics #27! Action Comics...
Batman/Superman #6 Review: Everything’s Coming Up Mongul
Greg Pak is doing amazing things with Batman/Superman, and this latest arc featuring Mongul and the new Toymaster...
Action Comics #26 Review: Monsters
Superman faces against past and present monsters in Action Comics #26! Action Comics #26 Action Comics #26...