Tag: green arrow

Amell Calls Fall Finale “Finest Hour”

So far this season of Arrow has been entertaining and kept fans on the edge of their seats....

Review: Green Arrow #37

Green Arrow #37. Andrew Kreisberg & Ben Sokolowski- Story, Ben Sololowski- Script, Daniel Sampere- Penciller, Jonathan Glapion- Inker,...

Review-THE NEW 52: FUTURES END #31

  As the cover indicates, this weeks issue of Futures End deals heavily with the ramifications of what...

Review: Arrow Episode 8 “The Brave and the Bold”

After a solid opening to the crossover last night, I didn’t think the teams behind Arrow and The...

Review: The Flash Ep. 8 “Flash vs. Arrow”

  Ever since the title "Flash vs. Arrow" was announced, we all knew that a confrontation was coming....

Review- THE NEW 52: FUTURES END #30

  This is the moment we've all been waiting for folks. The final showdown on Cadmus Island finally...

Robbie Amell Teases Firestorm Transformation

  It's not yet clear what happened to Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) after the doors to the particle...

Review: Arrow Season 2.5 #7

I will say I was a little disappointed at first to see nothing real come of Huntress coming...

RUMOR: Kerry Washington To Play Amanda Waller

Some few days ago, it was revealed that filming for David Ayers upcoming film Suicide Squad would begin...

Review: Arrow Season 3 Episode 7 “Draw Back Your Bow”

It’s quite funny how many annoyed people there were when it was announced that Cupid would be appearing...