Tag: green arrow

Review: Green Arrow #41

Green Arrow 41 Cover Art A new team has come on to Green Arrow.  As of now, it...

Review: Arrow Episode 22 & 23

The final two episodes of Arrow look a little better when paired together.  Much like last years finale,...

Green Arrow #41 Post-Convergence Sneak Peek (Updated)

DC Comics has released an 8-page preview of several of the titles that will be available post-Convergence, including...

Analysis: DC Heroes Suit Up With All-New Looks Post-Convergence – A Look Ahead

The following article contains spoilers DC Comics' heroes suit up with all-new attires post-Convergence. Why such a change...

Review: Arrow Episode 21 “Al Sa-him”

Arrow finally unveiled its final villain this week:  Oliver Queen.  I will give the showrunners credit.  They never...

Katana Cuts Loose in ‘Arrow’ Promo

If you watched last night's episode of Arrow from start to finish, you may have noticed a familiar...

Review: Arrow Episode 20 “The Fallen”

This week, Oliver went forth and became the head of the League of Assassins.  This featured some history...

Arrow: “Al Sah-Him” Photos Released

Check out photos from the next episode of Arrow, "Al Sah-Him" (I wonder if they'll change the name...

Review: Arrow Episode 19 “Broken Arrow”

So apparently I needed a few days to recover from the “Broken Arrow” installment of Arrow.  If you...

Review: Arrow Episode 18 “Public Enemy”

Not since the final six of Season Two has Arrow managed this degree of intensity.  “Public Enemies” made...