Tag: green arrow

Review: Arrow Season 4 Ep 7 “Brotherhood”

Diggle is still dealing with the revelation of his brother's past when another even more shocking truth is...

Stephen Amell talks Flash crossover and “shocking revelation”

Arrows newest season has been a fan favourite, and rightly so. It kicked off with a bang and...

Review: Arrow Season 4 Ep. 6

Ray Palmer and Sara Lance have both returned from the dead.  However, both need the help of Team...

Arrow: 17 Photograph Preview of Episode 406, “Lost Souls”

The CW has released a 17 photograph preview of episode 406,”Lost Souls”! Antonio Negret directed the episode written...

Review: Green Arrow #46

This review contains spoilers. In this issue, Oliver and Tarantula come across the villains that kidnapped Ollie's dog....

New DC Comics Icons Action Figure Line

DC Comics has a new Icons Action Figure line that is inspired by specific eras of DC Comics...

DC Comics

DC Comics Pull Box For 11-11-2015

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for November 11, 2015....

Andrew Kreisberg signs multi-year contract with Warner Bros.

Andrew Kreisberg, executive producer for multiple successful Warner Bros. Television shows, has just signed a multiple year contract...

Arrow: 32 Photo Preview Of Constantine Crossover Episode 405, “Haunted”

The CW has released a 32 photograph preview of episode 405,"Haunted"! John Badham directed the episode written by Brian Ford...

Review: Arrow Season 4 Ep 4 “Beyond Redemption”

Star City continues to be under siege.  This time it's not a metahuman attack or even The Ghosts...