Tag: Gal Gadot
Lynda Carter on New Wonder Woman Costume
This past summer at Comic-Con in San Diego, the Warner Brothers panel was opened by Zack Snyder showcasing...
WB Registers Domain Names For Four DC Movies
Recently, DC/Warner Bros. released a full slate of release dates for 9 upcoming films (not including Batman v...
DC Comics News Podcast Episode 12: Comic-Con and On and On…
Another episode of the DC Comics News Podcast has arrived. This episode Shane & Matt are joined by...
Batman v Superman New Release Date/Warner Bros Announces Films
Well after months of speculation about who would win the May 6th, 2016 battle between Marvel's "Captain America...
UPDATED: Batman v Superman First Footage Description
The first video of footage from "Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice" was revealed this morning during...
Gal Gadot in Full Wonder Woman Costume and Trinity Reveal
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have been wanting to see Gal Gadot in full Wonder Woman costume from Batman...
Wonder Woman suit rumours.
With the wave of buzz following the release of the new Batman suit for the up and coming...
Rumor: DC Cinematic Universe Schedule
There have been reports about an ambitious film schedule that reportedly will have seven DC Comic-based films the...
Wonder Woman To Be Revealed Soon?
We've been holding our breaths long enough Warner Bros, it's time to relieve some of our stress. Ever...
Chris Hardwick talks Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
"The louder voices on the internet are always the negative ones" This quote was given by actor and...