Tag: fables

DCN Celebrates the Storytelling Legacy of Vertigo

Let’s start with a celebration of impossible things. In the early 1990s, the Master of Dreams found his...

Mark Buckingham

DCN Exclusive Interview: Mark Buckingham – Artist On ‘Fables’, ‘Death’ And ‘Batman: Cataclysm’

Interviewed by: Steve J. Ray Mark Buckingham is a fan-favorite, multiple Eisner Award winning British artist, who started...

Review: Everafter: From the Pages of Fables #12

Writers: Dave Justus & Lilah Sturges Artist: Travis Moore Coloring: Michael Wiggam Summary Sometimes things end with a whimper and...

Review: Everafter: From the Pages of Fables #11

Writers: Dave Justus & Lilah Sturges Artist: Travis Moore Colors: Michael Wiggam   Summary After last month's issue...

Review: Everafter: From the Pages of Fables #10

Writers: Dave Justus & Lilah Sturges Artist: Travis Moore Coloring: Michael Wiggam Summary Robert Speckland, provisional Player Four is entering the...


Written by: Matt Sturges, Dave Justus. Art by: Travis Moore. Cover by: Tula Lotay. Solicit Synopsis After her...

DC Announces ‘Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love’

PRESS RELEASE A gothic tale of love, mystery, and vengeful spirits arrives just in time for the scariest...

Fables Returns to Vertigo With Everafter: From The Pages Of Fables

  That's right starting this September FABLES will begin again with Everafter: From the Pages Of Fables. It...

DC Comics

DC Comics Pull Box For 10-28-2015

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for October 28, 2015....

DC Comics

DC Comics Pull Box For 10-14-2015

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for October 14, 2015....