Tag: Everafter
Review: Everafter: From the Pages of Fables #12
Writers: Dave Justus & Lilah Sturges Artist: Travis Moore Coloring: Michael Wiggam Summary Sometimes things end with a whimper and...
Review: Everafter: From the Pages of Fables #11
Writers: Dave Justus & Lilah Sturges Artist: Travis Moore Colors: Michael Wiggam Summary After last month's issue...
Review: Everafter: From the Pages of Fables #10
Writers: Dave Justus & Lilah Sturges Artist: Travis Moore Coloring: Michael Wiggam Summary Robert Speckland, provisional Player Four is entering the...
Review: Everafter: From the Pages of Fables #1
Writer: Dave Justus & Matthew Sturges Artist: Travis Moore Colorist: Michael Wiggam Summary If you were disappointed that...
Fables Returns to Vertigo With Everafter: From The Pages Of Fables
That's right starting this September FABLES will begin again with Everafter: From the Pages Of Fables. It...