Tag: Eobard Thawne

Review: The Flash #19

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artists: Carmine Di Giandomenico, Jesus Merino, & Andy Owens Reviewed By: Derek McNeil   Summary...

The Flash: 14 Photo Preview Of Episode 217,”Flash Back”

The CW releases 14 photographs from the episode of The Flash, set to air on March 29, 2016! You...

The Flash: 20 Photo Preview Of Episode 211, “The Reverse-Flash Returns”

The CW releases 20 photographs from the episode of The Flash, set to air on January 26, 2016! You...

The Flash: New ”Gorilla Warfare” Stills and Teaser Reveal Reverse-Flash’s Return

A series of new stills from next week's episode of The Flash, ''Gorilla Warfare'' have been released. The...

Review: Flash Episode 23 “Fast Enough”

The Flash finale was all about character.  Specifically, Barry and his dilemma about saving his mom from Thawne....

Flash Season 1 Was An Alternate Timeline!

My mind is blown! What do you mean?! Well the Executive producer of The Flash, Andrew Kreisberg has...

Flash: 20 Photo Preview of Ep.123, “Fast Enough”

The CW releases 20 photographs from the season finale episode of The Flash, set to air on May 19, 2015!...

Review: The Flash Episode 21 “Grodd Lives”

This week on The Flash we got the true debut of long-time Flash villain Gorilla Grodd.  Here, we...

Review: The Flash Episode 20 “The Trap”

“The Trap” saw Team Flash trying to catch Wells in the act using some time travel shenanigans to help...

Flash: 20 Photo Preview of Ep. 121, “Grodd Lives”

The CW releases 20 photographs from the upcoming episode of The Flash, set to air on May 5, 2015! You can...