Tag: Emiko
Review: Green Arrow #43
Writers: Julie Benson & Shawna Benson Artist: Javier Fernandez Colors: John Kalisz Letters: Deron Bennett Summary Seattle’s...
Review: Green Arrow #35
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Juan Ferreyra Summary Oliver and Moira investigate the sunken Inferno. Positives The...
Review: Green Arrow #24
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Juan Ferreyra Summary Green Arrow confronts the Ninth Circle at Queen Industries while...
Review: Green Arrow #16
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Otto Schmidt Summary Team Arrow teams up with the Police Chief in order to...
Review: Green Arrow #7
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Stephen Byrne Summary Emiko fights for her mother's life in the present while a...
Review: Green Arrow #6
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Stephen Byrne Summary Emiko reflects on her past year with Oliver while trying to...
Review: Green Arrow #5
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Juan Ferreyra Summary Green Arrow and Diggle confront the Inferno in order to rescue...
Review: Green Arrow #4
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Juan Ferreyra Summary Oliver teams up with Diggle while Emiko captures Dinah. Positives...
Review: Green Arrow #3
This review contains no spoilers. Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Juan Ferreyra Summary Oliver Queen begins to unravel the...
Review: Green Arrow #2
This is a spoiler free review Green Arrow #2 is written by Benjamin Percy with art by Otto...