Tag: diana
Review: Superman: Heroes #1
Review: Superman: Heroes #1 Writers: Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction & Greg Rucka Art: Kevin Maguire, Mike Perkins, Steve Leiber,...
Review: Batman: Last Knight On Earth #2
Review: BATMAN: LAST KNIGHT ON EARTH #2 Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion Colours: FCO...
Wonder Woman 84: Giving Cheetah A New Origin….?
In the comics, there have been many iterations of the Cheetah character from her first appearance in Wonder...
Joss Whedon’s Wonder Woman Script Dissected
Last month, Joss Whedon's unproduced Wonder Woman script surfaced online, appearing on Comicbook.com and Screenrant.com. On June 15,...
Review: Wonder Woman (Non Spoiler)
Wonder Woman, which hits theatres Thursday June 2nd, is the next instalment in the DC Extended Universe. I...
WONDER WOMAN – Rise of the Warrior Final Trailer Released
The origin story of one of DC's iconic characters in Wonder Woman will launch into theatres June 2nd. Warner...
Review: Action Comics #961
Writer: Dan Jurgens Penciller: Stephen Segovia Inker: Art Thibert Colorist: Arif Prianto Summary After the apparent death of...
Review: The Legend of Wonder Woman #6
The Legend of Wonder Woman #6. Renae De Liz- Story and Art, Ray Dillon- Colors. Almost 5 years...
Review: The Legend of Wonder Woman #5
The Legend of Wonder Woman #5. Renae de Liz- Story and Pencils, Ray Dillon- Inks and Colors. The...
DC All Access: ‘Justice League vs. Teen Titans’ Spotlight, And you can win a copy of Wonder Woman: Earth One?
DC All Access has released a new episode today, spotlighting DC Animated Original Movies' new feature: Justice League...