Tag: DC News

Felicity Tries To Save Oliver In New ‘Arrow’ Trailer

The CW has released the first promo for Arrow episode 7x05 titled “The Demon,” highlighting the dangerous obstacles Oliver has...

Parasite Heads To National City In Latest ‘Supergirl’ Trailer

The CW has released their promo for the upcoming fifth episode of Supergirl, titled “Parasite Lost.” Highlighting the arrival of...

Vixen Returns to “Legends”…Or Does She?

Maisie Richardson-Sellers's character Amaya aka Vixen departed the Waverider of DC's Legends of Tomorrow last year to start...

‘Swamp Thing’ Welcomes Virginia Madsen Into Its Waters

Much in the same vein as Arrow and The Flash, the producers of DC Universe's Swamp Thing have...

Review: Supergirl 4×04 – “Ahimsa”

Director: Armen V. Kevorkian Writers: Katie Rose Rogers, Jessica Kardos & Eric Carrasco Starring: Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks...

DCN Podcast – Episode 10: Ewan McGregor Cast As Black Mask, Arrowverse Crossover News, & More!

Episode 10 of the DC Comics News Podcast is here! This week, Editor-in-Chief Josh Raynor dives into the...

Batman Will Not Appear In Arrowverse Crossover

A whole lot of news has broken ever since the announcement of this year's Arrowverse crossover.  We know...

Psycho-Pirate Will Be Introduced In Arrowverse Crossover

The highly anticipated Arrowverse crossover, titled "Elseworlds", just keeps on getting bigger as another character is set to...

Arrowverse Crossover Brings Gotham City To Chicago

Earlier in the week signs went up in Chicago for filming “for the television show GOTHAM CITY,” which...

Jim Gordon Gets A New Nemesis For ‘Gotham’ Final Season

Dexter's Jaime Murray has been cast in a secretive antagonist role for Gotham's final season on Fox, reports...