Tag: DC News
Jason Momoa Auditioned To Play A Batman Who “Punched Good People In The Face”
Want a role in a DC movie or TV show? Well the answer to getting cast is simple:...
‘Pennyworth’ On Epix Casts Polly Walker
Polly Walker (Line of Duty) has signed onto a recurring role on Epix's Pennyworth series. Its been a little...
CW Releases Extended Elseworlds Trailer
The CW has released an extended promo for the Elseworld crossover, and it includes our first look at...
Bendis’ Action Comics #1005 Reveals Red Cloud ID, The Question, and More!
For months since taking over the reigns of Action Comics, writer Brian Michael Bendis has plagued the Man...
CW Releases New Elseworlds Promo Poster
The CW has released a new promotional poster for the Elseworlds crossover, and things are definitely looking grim....
Margot Robbie Explains That Long Birds Of Prey Title
During a recent episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Margot Robbie talked about her upcoming DC...
Reality is Fractured in New ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Trailer
The CW has released the first promo for Legends of Tomorrow‘s upcoming eighth episode and mid-season finale titled “Legends...
Gotham’s Joker Gets Classic Look In “Day 151” Trailer
A new teaser for Gotham season 5 premieres Jeremiah's classic Joker look - right down to the facepaint....
Two New ‘Aquaman’ Images Released
After all the trailers and images already released, it’s difficult to believe there is anything left to show...
Oliver Picks Up The Bow In Latest ‘Arrow’ Trailer
Now that Oliver Queen is finally out of prison, it’s back to business in the trailer for the...