Tag: DC News

Marvel to be Absent from SDCC

Marvel Studios recently decided that they would probably not be joining the hard-hitters at San Diego Comic Con...

The Flash - Grant Gustin

What to Look Forward to on The Flash

I don't think I'm being bias when I say that the first season of The Flash was not...

Darkseid War Begins Today

With the "Convergence" storyline wrapping up it is time to get back to DCU continuity. Geoff Johns and...

DC All Access breaks down Legends of Tomorrow

This week on DC All Access fans got a special look inside Legends of Tomorrow. The CW's new...

Cara Delevingne Guarantees ‘Suicide Squad’ Will Be Insane

So many things about The Joker, Harley Quinn, and Deadshot have been flooding the internet lately that one...

Grant Gustin Talks Season Two

Tonight's season finale of The Flash was, in a word, astonishing. From the opening sequence to the end...

New Flash Movie Details

A few weeks ago it was confirmed that Phil Lord and Chris Miller (The LEGO Movie/21 Jumpstreet) will...

Get Ready for The Rogues

Tonight will be the second to last The Flash episode of the season and it is a little...

Tom Hardy Explains ‘Suicide Squad’ Exit

Finally the first shots of the Suicide Squad have shown up. One name that was tagged early on...

Bruce Timm Comments on Harley Quinn’s New Look

Now that the first cast photo has surfaced of the Suicide Squad the internet and the DC fan...