Tag: DC Comics Rebirth
DCN Editorial: Who is Superman To Me?
Who is Superman to me? How many of us can remember being seven years old and sitting in...
Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1 Preview Revealed
DC Comics has released a preview of the first issue newest title, Suicide Squad: Rebirth, which will be...
Geoff Johns Named President of DC Entertainment
The name "Geoff Johns" is synonymous with DC Comics. Now, it will also be synonymous with DC Entertainment....
Long-Lost Flash Returns To The DC Universe
***SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT*** It's finally here! The oversized, incredible, universe-changing 80-page DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1...
“Rebirth” Makeover Reveals For Green Arrow, Supergirl and Superboy
Everything old is new again! Last time, we shown you you some updated version of characters as part...
DC Universe’s Rebirth Pre-Orders
That's right we have the list of pre-orders for these next few months and man are there...
DC Reveals Second Wave of Rebirth Titles
Earlier this week, DC released a full lineup of new titles coming in July 2016. Look for the...
A Look At Deathstroke’s New Look
Today DC Comics artist Aco, one of the members on the Deathstroke art team after DC's Rebirth initiative starts this...