Tag: Dave Sharpe

Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #50 (FINAL ISSUE)

Writer: Robert Venditti Artists: Rafa Sandoval & Jordi Tarragona Colors: Tomeu Morey Letters: Dave Sharpe   Summary Hal and Tomar-Tu are locked...

Review: Harley Quinn #47

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: John Timms Colors: Gabe Eltaeb Letters: Dave Sharpe     Summary In this conclusion to...

Review: Green Lanterns #52

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artists: Marco Santucci Colors: Hi-Fi Letters: Dave Sharpe   Summary With Eon and the Ravager...

Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #48

Writer: Robert Venditti Penciller: Rafa Sandoval Inker: Jordi Tarragona Colorist: Tomeu Morey   Summary The Darkstars are waging an all out...

Review: Batman: Prelude To The Wedding – Nightwing Vs. Hush #1

Writer: Tim Seeley Artists: Travis Moore (Main story) Otto Schmidt (Epilogue) Colors: Tamra Bonvillain   Summary Warning! This issue contains the...

Review: Batman: Prelude To The Wedding – Robin vs. Ra’s Al Ghul #1

Writer: Tim Seeley Pencils: Brad Walker (Main story) Otto Schmidt (Epilogue) Inks: Andrew Hennessy & Mick Gray Colors: Jordie Bellaire Summary As...

Review: Green Lanterns #23

Review: Green Lanterns #23

Writer: Sam Humphries Pencils: Eduardo Pansica Inks: Julio Ferreira Color: Blond   Summary Boot camp is officially in...

Review: Green Lanterns #22

Review: Green Lanterns #22

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Ronan Cliquet Color: Hi-Fi Summary It's a Green Lantern family reunion of sorts for...

Review: Harley Quinn and her Gang of Harleys #6

Writers: Frank Tieri and Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Mauricet Summary Trapped on a dangerous island by her enemy Harley...