Tag: Danny Trejo
Review: The Flash 6×05 – “Kiss Kiss Breach Breach”
Review: The Flash 6x05 - “Kiss Kiss Breach Breach” Director: Menhaj Huda Writers: Joshua V. Gilbert and Kelly Wheeler...
Review: The Flash 4×17 – “Null and Annoyed”
Director: Kevin Smith Writers: Lauren Certo and Kristen Kim Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Pannabaker,...
Review: The Flash 4×04 – “Elongated Journey Into Mystery”
Director: Tom Cavanaugh Writers: Sterling Gates and Thomas Pound Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Pannabaker,...
Danny Trejo Teases Potential Portrayal of Lobo
Danny Trejo recently put up a tweet teasing how he thinks Lobo would handle hunting Superman. Trejo, who...