Tag: Daniel West

Review: The Flash #23

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Carmine Di Giandomenico Reviewed By: Derek McNeil   Summary In a prologue to the...

Review: The Flash #18

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artists: Jesus Merino & Andy Owens Reviewed By: Derek McNeil Summary The issue begins with...

Review: The Flash # 37

The Flash #37. Robert Venditti & Van Jensen- Writers, Brett Booth- Penciller, Norm Rapmund- Inker, Andrew Dalhouse- Colorist....

The Flash #23.2 Review: Reverse Order

Villain’s Month continues in the pages of The Flash, this time revealing the origin of Reverse Flash! Check...

The Flash #21 Review: Barry, Meet Bart

The Flash pursues Kid Flash across the globe while Reverse Flash claims another victim. Check out our review...