Tag: Daily Planet

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #12

Review: Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #12

Review: SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN #12   Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Steve Lieber Colours: Nathan Fairbairn Letters: Clayton...

Having a Zoom Conference? Have It In the Bat Cave!

Zoom has gotten a lot of attention since the start of the pandemic. The software works like Skype...

Review: Superman Villains #1

Review: Superman Villains #1 Writer: Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, and Jody Houser Artist:Scott Godlewski, Steve Lieber, Bryan...

Superman #19

Review: Superman #19

Review: SUPERMAN #19   Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artists: Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Danny Miki, Julio Ferreira, Oclair...

Lois Lane

First Look At LOIS LANE #1

Lois Lane, a new 12-issue maxiseries by writer Greg Rucka and artist Mike Perkins, launches on July 3rd, 2019. While Lois Lane...

Review: Action Comics #1008

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Art: Steve Epting Colors: Brad Anderson Letters: Josh Reed Summary Brian Michael Bendis's run on Action Comics so...

Review: Action Comics #965

Writer: Dan Jurgens Pencils: Stephen Segovia Inks: Art Thibert Colorist: Arif Prianto Summary One of the most exciting things about the Superman...

Review: Action Comics #963

Writer: Dan Jurgens Art: Patrick Zircher Colorist: Arif Prianto Summary One of the biggest -- if not the biggest -- mysteries...

Countdown To Batman V Superman: A Nostalgic Look at the First World’s Finest Team-Up!

With the upcoming release of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, DC Comics News is proud to present Countdown To Batman V Superman; a look at the...

Daily Planet Exposes Superman’s Secret Identity

DC Comics have released a promotional edition of The Daily Planet. This release coincides with the public outing...