Tag: colton haynes
Arsenal Returns in The Next ‘Arrow’
Oliver Queen has had to deal with a lot in the past few months: The splintering of Team...
Arsenal Returns to Arrow
Actor Colton Haynes is set to reprise his character of Roy Harper, aka Arsenal, in upcoming episodes of...
Arrow Star Stephen Amell Makes Claim About Colton Haynes’ Returning
Through the five year fight against crime, Oliver Queen has had a pretty good roster of allies who...
Review: Arrow 4×12-Unchained
This review contains spoilers. I can't believe you shot me In this episode, Roy Harper returns to Star...
Arrow: 18 Photo Preview of Episode 412, “Unchained”
The CW has released an 18-photograph preview of Arrow episode 412, "Unchained" Kevin Fair directed the episode written by Speed...
DC Comics News Community Poll: “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”
No Love for the Rogues The results are in for our 2nd Poll. To recap, we asked you...
DC Comics News Official Community Poll Results: Batman vs. Superman
The Dark Knight easily defeats the Man of Steel (in our poll, anyway)! The results are in!...
Arrow: “This Is Your Sword” Synopsis
Oliver continues his ascension (or descent, if you will) to become the new heir of the League of Assassins. Along...
Review: Arrow Episode 19 “Broken Arrow”
So apparently I needed a few days to recover from the “Broken Arrow” installment of Arrow. If you...
Team Arrow Loses A Member
ALERT: MINOR SPOLIERS AHEAD! As Arrow gears up for its third season finale, it will be minus...