Tag: Clayface

Review- BATWOMAN #39

Another disappointing issue of Batwoman continues its chilling descent into the end of the book's run. With Maggie now...

Review- BATWOMAN #38

    Batwoman is now streaming towards its end as Maggie finally confronts her ex about their split...

Review- BATWOMAN #37

Batwoman for this week was thankfully plausible with our “fairer sex” hero finding her footing with Etrigan. The...

Review: Batman Eternal #31

Batman Eternal #31. Scott Snyder & James Tynion IV- Story, Ray Fawkes- Script, Kyle Higgins & Tim Seeley-...

Review – BATWOMAN #35

Where do I begin? Well I wouldn't do it in space as this week Batwoman has randomly been turned...

Forever Evil: Arkham War #4 Review: “Empire of the Bat”

The new diabolic duo—Bane and Talon William Cobb—team up to quash the forces of Arkham Asylum and claim...

Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #4 Review – Those Aren’t Bat-Creatures!

SPOILER WARNING: Did you hear that Wally West is returning? He is. Just not in here. Forever Evil:...

Preview: Forever Evil Justice League #11

Previews for Forever Evil Justice League #11.               Source: Newsarama

DC Reveals New Clayface Collectible

This might be one of the coolest figures that DC has released in quite some time, this one...

Forever Evil: Arkham War #3 Review- “Das Bat!”

This review contains SPOILERS! Forever Evil: Arkham War #3 escalates the growing crisis in Gotham City as Bane...