Tag: clark kent
Batman Enters Romance With Lois Lane?
One of the things fans seem to dislike about DC Comics' New 52 is that the romance that...
New Image of Henry Cavill as Clark Kent
The Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund (RMCTF), a charity organization in the UK that helps wounded and injured...
Superman #27 Review: Identity
Parasite has his sights set on Lois Lane’s Psionic abilities in Superman #27! Superman #27 Superman #27...
Justice League 3000 #2 Review – THINGS FALL APART
At the end of Justice League 3000 #1, the Wonder Twins asked a simple question: “How bad can...
Rosenbaum Wants the Lex Luthor Role in Batman vs. Superman
Smallville was a unique show that brought us originality spanning over ten seasons and with that we saw...
Action Comics #27 Review: Underworld
Lana Lang and Superman dive below the surface and uncover buried secrets in Action Comics #27! Action Comics...
Superman Unchained #5 Review: No More Hiding
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS Superman Unchained has been a stellar series thus far, though not much has been...
Superman #26 Review: Aftermath
Superman faces off against Parasite once again, but can he contain the creature once more? Superman #26 Superman...
Action Comics #26 Review: Monsters
Superman faces against past and present monsters in Action Comics #26! Action Comics #26 Action Comics #26...
Superman Unchained #4 Review: Flying
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS Superman Unchained #4 may be late, but it comes out swinging. Jimmy Olsen is...