Tag: cat grant
First Look At DC’s ‘Reign of the Supermen’ Animated Film
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's..... four different Supermen? That's right! Reign...
Supergirl Season 4 Has Updates
Summer is almost over and with its exit comes the return of some of our favorite TV shows....
Review: Supergirl #13
Writer: Steve Orlando Artists: Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, Michael Atiyeh, & Stanley "Artgerm" Lau Summary The ultimate...
Is Cat Grant The New Press Secretary? Or Maybe Even President?
A new trailer has been released for the new season of the Arrowverse shows, dubbed DCTV's "Super Season...
Review: Supergirl Annual #1
Writer: Steve Orlando Artists: Steve Pugh, , Michael Atiyeh Cover: Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, & Michael Atiyeh ...
Review: Supergirl #12
Writer: Steve Orlando Artists: Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, Michael Atiyeh & Stanley "Artgerm" Lau Summary After the...
SDCC 2017: Cat Grant Returns To National City This Fall!
The Queen of Media is back as Calista Flockhart returns as Cat Grant in the Supergirl season 3 premiere,...
Calista Flockhart’s Cat Grant Returning to Supergirl!
According to Supergirl.TV, media mogul Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) will be returning to National City during the final...
Supergirl: 15 Photo Preview of Episode 118, “Worlds Finest”
CBS releases 15 photographs from the episode of Supergirl, set to air on March 28, 2016! You can...
Review: Supergirl Episode 7 “Human for a Day”
This week we had our first direct follow-up to the events of a Supergirl episode. Supergirl burned out...