Tag: Ben Affleck
Destruction seen on Batman V. Superman.
Zack Snyder is no stranger when it comes to immense destruction to a city as we saw in...
Affleck Shares His Thoughts on “Batfleck”
Ben Affleck shares his feelings about "Batfleck" and the fan reactions to casting
Zack Snyder Defends Aquaman
For years, The Lord of Atlantis, Aquaman, has been thought of as a joke. People seem to think...
DC Comics News Podcast Episode 12: Comic-Con and On and On…
Another episode of the DC Comics News Podcast has arrived. This episode Shane & Matt are joined by...
Batman v Superman New Release Date/Warner Bros Announces Films
Well after months of speculation about who would win the May 6th, 2016 battle between Marvel's "Captain America...
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice To Feature Seasoned Caped Crusader
Batman in Zack Snyder's Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will reportedly feature a seasoned caped crusader....
Zack Snyder Reveals Another BvS/Star Wars Crossover Picture
He's done it again. Zack Snyder recently released another Batman v Superman/Star Wars crossover picture. About a week ago,...
SDCC Kicks Off With Batman, Continues With Much More
San Diego Comic-Con is the world's biggest pop culture extravaganza, celebrating comics, film, TV, video games, cosplay, and...
UPDATED: Batman v Superman First Footage Description
The first video of footage from "Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice" was revealed this morning during...
Batman’s Cape and Cowl for ‘Batman v Superman’ on Display at SDCC
The first official day of San Diego Comic-Con has ended, and boy, was there a lot going on....