Tag: Beast Boy

‘Teen Titans: The Complete First Season’ Heading To Blu-ray

Teenage super heroes never looked so good as Warner Archive Collection brings another favorite from the Warner Bros....

Review: Super Sons #11

Writers: Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason Artists: Ryan Benjamin, Richard Friend Reviewed By: Derek McNeil   Summary...

Review: Teen Titans Go! #25

Writer: Sholly Fisch (Story 1 & 2) Artists: Lea Hernandez (Story 1), Marcelo DiChiara (Story 2) Colors: Lea...

Teen Titans Go! Airs 200th Episode

Many were skeptical when Teen Titans Go! debuted as a chibi-style comedy replacing the more serious, grim style of...

Review: Nightwing: The New Order #4

Review: Nightwing: The New Order #4

Writer: Kyle Higgins Artists: Trevor McCarthy, Dean White Covers: Trevor McCarthy   Summary Dick Grayson attempts to rescue...

Doom Patrol Hinted For Titans TV Show by Geoff Johns

According to a recent Twitter post by Geoff Johns, Doom Patrol may be coming to DC's upcoming TV...

Ryan Potter Cast as Beast Boy in ‘Titans’

In another piece of casting news, one of the most popular Teen Titans characters from both television and...

Teen Titans Go! Movie Title and Celebrity Voices Announced!

A month after the announcement of an upcoming Teen Titans Go! film project, Warner Bros. has released both...

DCUA 10th Anniversary Review – Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

Directed By: Sam Liu Written By: Ernie Altbacker Starring: Stuart Allen, Jake T. Austin, Taissa Farming, Sean Maher,...

Review: Teen Titans GO! 4×27-4×30 – “The Night Begins To Shine Special”

Directed By: Michael Jelenic and Aaron Horvath Written By: Luke Cormican and Peter Rida Michail Starring: Scott Menville,...