Tag: Beast Boy
Review: Titans #23
Writer: Dan Abnett Pencils: Brandon Peterson Summary Under the leadership of Nightwing, an all new Titans team...
Review: Teen Titans Giant #1
Writer: Dan Jurgens Artists: Scot Eaton, Wayne Faucher Colors: Jim Charalampidis Summary In the first part of...
Teen Titans Go To The Movies First Reactions Hit Online.
The Teen Titans are getting their own film that will hot in theaters later this summer! While the campy...
Review: Teen Titans GO! #28
Writer: Sholly Fisch Artists: Jeremy Lawson ("Past Due"), Marcelo DiChiara ("Kickin' It") Colors: Jeremy Lawson ("Past Due"), Franco...
Review: Titans Special #1
Writer: Dan Abnett Artists: Sergio Davila, Vicente Cifuentes, Brent Peeples, Matt Santorelli, Brian Ching, Nicola Scott, Max Raynor,...
Titans Casting Rumors and Set Photos Revealed
The next member of the crew on DC's Titans might have just been revealed to be Connor Kent aka. Superboy. Titans, which will...
Original Teen Titans Show Revival Is Possible–But Under One Condition
Fans of the original Teen Titans cartoon have been clamoring for a revival ever since the series ended...
Doom Patrol Series Coming To DC’s Streaming Service
Doom Patrol is set to appear on Titans, the live action show on DC Universe, and now it...
Jimmy Kimmel To Voice Batman In Teen Titans GO! Movie
Some exciting news from the world of Teen Titans Go! To The Movies. Late night TV super star...
Review: DC Nation #0
Writers: Tom King, Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson Artists: Clay Mann, José Luis...