Tag: Beast Boy

“Rebirth” Gives “Teen Titans” Facelift

Former sidekicks don familiar, but slightly different threads With the coming of next week's DC Universe: Rebirth #1, we now have...

LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes – Justice League: Gotham City Breakout – Trailer Unveiled

DC Comics is releasing an all-new animated film from the LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes series. Last seen...

Review: Teen Titans #17

This review contains spoilers. Teen Titans #17 is written by Greg Pak with pencils by Ian Churchill, inks...

Justice League vs Teen Titans Official Trailer Released

Yesterday, the official IGN YouTube channel released the first official trailer for the upcoming animated movie, Justice League...

Review: Teen Titans #15

Teen Titans #15. Written by Scott Lobdell & Will Pfeifer, Pencilled by Ian Churchill & Miguel Mendonça, Inked...

DC Entertainment Launches Earth One Sale, With Up to 65% Off on Superman: Earth One Vol. 1, Batman: Earth One Vol. 2 and More

DC Entertainment launches another offer on digital comic books, this time focusing on the Earth One line of...

LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Summer Sets Revealed

  LEGO debuted their new DC Comics Super Heroes sets today at the 2015 New York Toy Fair. The...

Review: Teen Titans #6

Teen Titans #6. Will Pfeifer- Script, Scott Hepburn- Art, Dan Brown- Colors. Teen Titans is one of the...

Geoff Johns Confirms Titans Pilot Shoots Next Year

Some few months ago, it was reported that a pilot for a Teen Titans live-action television series titled...

Deathstroke Receives New Solo Series

Beginning in October, DC Comics will be publishing  a new ongoing series centered around the one-eyed mercenary Slade...