Tag: Beast Boy
WBA’s “Young Justice: Outsiders” to Debut in 2018; Live Action “Titans” Coming to WBTV
Teen Titans OMG!!! Young Justice WHAT?! WBTV and DC Entertainment announced today that a live-action series called Titans...
Review: Deathstroke #17
Writer: Christopher Priest Pencils: Joe Bennett Summary Slade Wilson is still blind but has now been exposed! Tanya, the...
Review: Teen Titans #6
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artists: Khoi Pham, Wade Von Grawbadger & Jim Charalampidis Summary The Teen Titans give a...
Review: Teen Titans #5
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artists: Khoi Pham, Wade Von Grawbadger & Jim Charalampidis Summary Continuing where issue #4 left...
Teen Titans Judas Contract Release Date Revealed with New Trailer!
DC Entertainment is putting out animated films like they're going out of style (don't worry, they aren't!). Teen Titans:...
Review: Teen Titans GO! #20
Writers: P.C. Morrissey & Heather Nuhfer, Sholly Fisch Artist: Jeremy Lawson, Marcelo Dichiara Reviewed By: Derek McNeil Summary In...
Teen Titans: Judas Contract Trailer Released!
We finally get our first look at the long-awaited Teen Titans: Judas Contract trailer! This movie was announced...
Review: Teen Titans #4
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artists: Khoi Pham, Wade Von Grawbadger, & Jim Charalampidis Summary Damian has set out on...
Christina Ricci and Miguel Ferrer Join The Cast Of ‘Teen Titans: Judas Contract’
Earlier today, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment announced that two new voices have been added to the upcoming animated...
Review: Teen Titans #3
Writer: Benjamin Percy Artists: Khoi Pham, Wade Von Grawbadger, & Jim Charalampdis Summary This issue does a lot...